Customer Complaint Procedure

Customer Complaint Procedure

Clallam Transit is committed to providing reliable, safe, and satisfying transportation options for the community. Customers of CTS are a fundamental aspect of our business and as such, their feedback is crucial to the growth and development of the agency.

The CTS Customer Complaint Procedure has been established to ensure that riders of the system have an easy and accessible way to provide feedback to the agency. CTS is open to hearing any customer feedback including complaints, comments, suggestions, concerns or commendations.

Contacting Clallam Transit: Riders can contact CTS in the following ways:

1.    US Mail: Riders can mail their feedback to the CTS office at 830 West Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles, WA 98363.
2.    Phone Line: Riders can contact CTS toll free at 800-858-3747.
3.    E-mail: Riders can contact CTS by e-mail at   
4.    Fax: Riders can send written feedback by fax to 360-417-1380.
Feedback Review Process:
All feedback from customers is valued and will be reviewed by the Operations Manager. After review, the Operations Manager will distribute the customer communication to the appropriate agency representative(s).

1.    Customer concerns, complaints, or employee commendations will be forwarded to the appropriate supervisor.
2.    Recommendations for service or system modification will be sent to the Operations department.

Customer comments, both positive and negative, are an important means by which CTS evaluates its service and the performance of its employees. All comments will be investigated to determine, as far as possible, its accuracy and validity. Complaints or concerns shall be assigned to a CTS Operations Supervisor for investigation. All discrimination or bias complaints will be investigated by the assigned manager or CTS’s Human Resources Administrator or his/her designees.

Customer comments for ADA regulations violations review process:

Customer comments in regards to alleged violations of the ADA regulations will be promptly investigated by the Operations Manager. The finding of the complaint allegations will be promptly communicated, including the reason for the response, to the complainant.     

Contact:    Operations Manager
                    830 W. Lauridsen Blvd.
                    Port Angeles, WA. 98363

Customer comments for any person who believes his or her Title VI protection has been violated:

Customer comments in regards to alleged violations of his or her Title VI protection have been violated will be promptly investigated by the Operations Manager. The finding of the complaint allegations will be promptly communicated, including the reason for the response, to the complainant.     

Contact:    Operations Manager
                   830 W. Lauridsen Blvd.
                   Port Angeles, WA. 98363

Comments and/or suggestions about CTS services will be assigned to staff responsible for that area for investigation. Anonymous complaints that cannot be verified by other means; i.e. witness, video recording, will not be placed in the employee file.

Information about Policy:
Information about the Customer Complaint Policy, including how to submit a complaint, is made available to riders:

1.    When customers are approved for ADA paratransit service
2.    When customers are re-evaluated for ADA paratransit service or if customers are not re-evaluated, every three years
3.    Informational display on all vehicles
4.    Bus Schedules
5.    On the website

When receiving a customer comment via phone or in person, the employee will request the customer provide contact information if they want a response. The employee will indicate on the Customer Contact form that the customer is requesting a response. Customers requesting a response will be provided a response via phone or mail within 15 days.   

CTS shall maintain a tracking system for all feedback from customers that provides a unique identification of each customer communication and allows ready access to information on the status of the comment at any time.

Protection from Retribution:
Customers of CTS should be able to submit feedback without fear of retribution from the agency. If a rider feels like they are being treated unfairly in response to the feedback that they provided, they should contact the CTS Operations Manager. After completion of an investigation of the complaint, CTS will appropriately discipline any employee that retaliates against a customer.

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